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愛閱讀!JTIS 2021推薦書單

Updated: Sep 7, 2021


Deep Dive into some Great Novels for Teenagers (As recommended by the New York Times Bestsellers) Happy Reading! We recommended these books for IG+.

什麼樣的書或故事能吸引不願意讀書的青少年和讀者?《紐約時報》作家瑪麗亞·魯索說:「我的嗅覺測試很簡單:青少年自己認為哪些小說精彩絕倫? 他們會推薦哪些給他們的朋友?他們想要擁有哪些書,而不單單是借書?作為一個成年人,因此作為一個入侵者,要想弄明白這一點需要進行些偵查工作。」給青少年看的小說必須真實可信。青少年必須能夠認同在他們成長的特定階段和自己的人生旅程中的角色。

What type of book or story can engage reluctant teenagers and readers? New York Times writer Maria Russo says “My smell test for this list was simple: Which novels do teenagers themselves think are incredible? Which ones do they recommend to their friends? Which ones do they want to own, rather than borrow? As a grown-up, and therefore an interloper, figuring this out took a little detective work.”

Novels for teenagers have to be relatable and real. The teenagers have to be able to identify with the characters at particular stages in their growth and own life journey.

01 ‘The Hate U Give,’ by Angie Thomas


This has been a staple of best seller lists for few years now, and for good reasons: It provides an ideal story to help teenagers think through questions of justice, racism, activism and personal responsibility, and it’s got catchy writing, perfect pacing and emotional smarts to boot. After a black student at a mostly white private school witnesses a police officer shoot her unarmed friend, she has to decide whether or not to speak up and pursue justice for him and for her community. There are also many appealing characters and dramatic moments. (The movie is great too — but don’t let it take the place of reading this gem.)

02 ‘Dear Evan Hansen: The Novel,’ by Val Emmich


Yes, it’s a hit Broadway musical, in the form of a novel — and it works. Both onstage and on the page, the story expertly dissects teenagers’ tortured relationships with popularity and social media. A lonely, anxious teenager writes notes to himself on the advice of his therapist. One of them falls into the hands of a deeply troubled classmate who commits suicide. Partly to help the bereaved parents, Evan pretends he and the boy were close, but struggles under the weight of his secret. The novel fills in scenes only alluded to in the musical, and fleshes out peripheral characters.

03 ‘I’ll Give You the Sun,’ by Jandy Nelson


This heartfelt, breathlessly told novel takes teenagers’ emotional lives seriously without being either sappy or gloomy. An artistic boy named Noah narrates half the story and his daredevil twin sister, Jude, tells the other half. The siblings are close until a family drama wrenches them apart, and they must find their way back to each other. Each experiences an exhilarating romance — Noah’s is with another boy — and an earnest struggle to figure out where their passions in life truly lie

04 ‘The Poet X,’ by Elizabeth Acevedo


This gorgeous, award-winning novel in verse tells the story of a quiet Dominican-American girl from a religious family who scribbles her frustrations in a notebook and learns to speak her truth when she joins her school’s slam poetry club. There’s a sweet, forbidden romance and an inspiring story of finding your own creative voice. The book’s enduring popularity is a powerful reminder that teenagers groove on poetry, especially when it’s geared to the realities of their lives.

05 ‘We Were Liars,’ by E. Lockhart


This one is a clever psychological thriller and an insightful family saga all in one. A privileged teenager named Cadence, who spends summers on an island owned by generations of her mother’s family, narrates an addictively enigmatic story. Something is amiss on the island, and a sudden tragedy only deepens the mystery — until all is explained in a shocking ending that will make you want to start the book all over again.

06 ‘The Sun Is Also a Star,’ by Nicola Yoon


This novel delivers a romance that is mind-blowing in the best way. Natasha is a science-minded Jamaican girl who is hours away from being deported because of a paperwork error. Daniel is a Korean-American guy who has always been “the good son,” even when it goes against his poetic nature. They meet and catch one others’ eyes while literally crossing the street, and they — and we — have to picture all the improbable ways their futures could work together.





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